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1 62 Plenty of 'em...
2 62 Seems to be in order.
3 62 Whatever happens to Mor Ardain, we still have to do our duty.
4 62 I hope my folks back in Mor Ardain are OK.
5 62 It's exactly at times like this where everyone needs to shape up and do their bit.
6 62 Ah... What will become of Alrest in the end?
7 62 Can't let Torna get any benefit out of this again...
8 62 These Judician Titan weapons sure had some awesome powers...
9 62 Looking good! I don't think the Urayans will know what's hit 'em!
10 62 I hope we can get some decent use out of this Judician technology.
11 62 Perhaps we'll be able to help some of our people with this Titan weapon.
12 62 Can the Titan...the world even...survive?
13 62 Listening to this stuff makes me tired...